new Customers()
React component consuming a Customer Data Entity collection to feed a grid.
React component consuming a Customer Data Entity collection to feed a grid
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- React.Component
Entity name which this component represents to.
Entity name which this component represents to
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access to foundation instance.
access to foundation instance
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listen to add Customer Data Entity change event on Data API.
listen to add Customer Data Entity change event on Data API
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listen to delete Customer Data Entity change event on Data API.
listen to delete Customer Data Entity change event on Data API
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listen to edit Customer Data Entity change event on Data API.
listen to edit Customer Data Entity change event on Data API
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default pagination to list data.
default pagination to list data
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component state.
component state
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<async, static> componentDidMount()
Called immediately after a component is mounted. Setting state here will trigger re-rendering.
Once component is monted we are now ready to start listen to changes on Customer data entity and get a list of customer in database to fill out the state.customers
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componentDidMount() { const { Customer } = this.onAddDocEventListener = Customer.on( 'add', handlerOnAddDocEventListener.bind(this) ) this.onEditDocEventListener = Customer.on( 'edit', handlerOnEditDocEventListener.bind(this) ) this.onDeleteDocEventListener = Customer.on( 'delete', handlerOnDeleteDocEventListener.bind(this) ) const { error, data } = await Customer.find({}, { ...this.pagination }) if (!error) { this.setState({ customers: }) } }
<static> componentWillUnmount()
Called immediately before a component is destroyed. Perform any necessary cleanup in this method, such as cancelled network requests, or cleaning up any DOM elements created in componentDidMount.
lets stop listen to Customer Data State Change Events
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componentWillUnmount() { const { Customer } = Customer.stopListenTo(this.onAddDocEventListener) Customer.stopListenTo(this.onEditDocEventListener) Customer.stopListenTo(this.onDeleteDocEventListener) }
<static> handleDeleteCustomer(event, __id)
Event handler that Deletes a customer
Once component is monted we are now ready to start listen to changes on Customer data entity and get a list of customer in database to fill out the state.customers
Name Type Description event
event The HTML event triggered on User interation __id
number The primaryKey value of the record willing to be deleted - Source:
handleDeleteCustomer(e, ___id) { const { Customer } = e.preventDefault() swal({ title: 'Are you sure?', text: 'Once deleted, you will not be able to recover this!', icon: 'warning', buttons: true, dangerMode: true }).then(async (willDelete) => { if (willDelete) { const r = await Customer.delete(___id) if (r.error) { swal('Database error', e.error.message, 'error') return } swal('Poof! The customer has been deleted!', { icon: 'success' }) return <Redirect to = '/dashboard' / > } else { swal('The Customer is safe!') } }) } // <a color='primary' href='#' onClick={e => this.handleDeleteCustomer(e, doc.__id)}>[delete]</a>
<async, static> render()
Component render function.
Renders a grid of Customers
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